AI Meets Programming Prowess: Building a Pong Game in Flutter
This article explores the synergy between GPT-4 and human expertise by taking on the challenge of creating a PONG game with Flutter in under 30 minutes.
A Mac Developer's Revelation: Windows Terminal and WSL 2 Reshaping the Windows Programming Experience
As a lifelong Mac user, I was accustomed to the seamless experience of macOS when it came to software development and programming. The thought of switching to a Windows PC had never crossed my mind, primarily due to the lack of a powerful terminal and the complications in setting up a development environment.
Twitter Mining with Tweepy and mongoDB
If you want to analyze data on current topics and opinions, Twitter is often a very good data source. To save tweets from the Twitter Streaming API to a mongoDB database easily, I wrote this little Python script.
Twitter Sentiment Analysis with Azure's Text Analytics API
Creating a sentiment analysis with Twitter messages is not really easy due to the brevity of the texts and the frequently used irony and sarcasm. With the Azure Text Analytics API this works surprisingly well anyway.